Effective Code Review

"There are many benefits of code review—lower development costs, increased code quality, quick up-skilling and on-boarding of team members. Despite these benefits many teams don’t have code review as part of their process at all, while others don’t get the gains they should.

This talk outlines the business case for code review and explores how to make code review effective, specifically looking at:

  • Expectations of what can be achieved with code review.
  • What should be covered by code review (including example code).
  • What should not be covered by code review.
  • How to write code that makes code review easy.
  • What makes good code review comments.
  • What makes good responses to code review comments.

Finally, to wrap up, you’ll be shown how to enable a code review with GitHub. Spoiler alert—it can be done it under five minutes!

So if you are on a team that isn’t using code review, or isn’t using it effectively, then you should be at this talk. "

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